Why Spiders?

Why Spiders?

Why spiders?
Depends who you ask. To the biologist, they play an important role in an ecosystem. To the artist, they can be a creature of beauty.
To me they are a symbol patience. Spiders create an intricate web that could easily be destroyed. If destroyed, they begin their delicate weaves once more to be critiqued and admired by the world.
To me, that requires patience.
We need patience to continue our work over and over. Knowing that your web is your home, your source of food, and your work. Once created you sit, wait, and repair (when necessary)- all with patience.
So often this is our daily life too. If we approach our life with patience and have faith it will all be okay, then we continue to move forward. For patience intertwines gratitude, perseverance, and love into our lives.
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